The Health Benefits and Culinary Uses of Nigella Seeds

The Health Benefits and Culinary Uses of Nigella Seeds

Health Benefits and Culinary Uses

Health Benefits and Culinary Uses

Nigella seeds are a spice with a very subtle savory scent. It tastes slightly bitter and emits a combination of a toasty onion, sesame, and poppy seed flavor. Health Benefits and Culinary Uses. Their origin can be traced to the Mediterranean region through now nigella seeds are popularly cultivated across continents. They make an exotic culinary spice and add a beautiful aroma to your recipes.

Buy nigella seeds online and put them to the following use in your domestic kitchens:

As a Tempering Agent

Enhance your everyday curries and lentils by tempering them with some aromatic nigella seeds. When lightly toasted before adding them whole, these seeds release their essential oils and further elevate your end product. 

They pair well with all types of lentils and gravy preparations, whether vegetarian or non-vegetarian. Nigella seeds give relatively bland vegetables like butternut squash a welcome kick and, once consumed, leave behind a pleasing after taste.

As an Integral Component of Spice Mixes

Add depths of flavor to your culinary creation by combining fragrant spices to form one dry intoxicating concoction. Such powdered spice blends work their magic when sprinkled over your main ingredient.

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Nigella seeds are especially incorporated in a famous Indian spice mix called ‘paanch phoron’ that originates from the Bengal region. Paanch means five hence along with nigella seeds, mustard, cumin, fenugreek, and fennel seeds, result in this flavourful spice mix.

As a Garnish

For that added crunch and vital textural element, very often, nigella seeds are sprinkled over just before serving a dish. Invariably this spice is used as a garnish for salads and stir-fries. Such recipes require minimal cooking and taste better when combined last minute. Taking this into account, sprinkling over the nigella seeds when you are ready to serve gives your salad and stir fry a whole new dimension.

As a Bread Making Tool

Nigella seeds very often adorn the tops of baked bready creations. That excellent nutty addition and a hint of black peeping through add to the overall charm of freshly baked bread. You can use nigella seeds for rye bread, naans, to all types of flatbreads.

As a Preservative

A relish or pickle used more as an accompaniment to your main meal is usually eaten in moderation and tends to mature with age. Since they need to be preserved for a longer duration, it is advisable to add nigella seeds to such delicacies. Health Benefits and Culinary Uses. These seeds help preserve your pickles and relish by extending their shelf life.

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Health Benefits of Nigella

Now let us delve into the health benefits of nigella seeds whose scientific name is nigella sativa. They are known to have medicinal properties and have proven to be a natural remedy for many ailments:

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Controls Blood Pressure

All those who complain of high blood pressure must drink warm water with half a teaspoon of nigella seed oil. In addition to following a proper diet, this helps to keep hypertension under control. 

Eases Joint Pains   

Buy nigella seeds online and heat them with mustard oil till smoking. Subsequently, remove the same from the flame and allow it to cool for a bit. When you can comfortably dip your fingertip into this oil without burning it, use it to massage inflamed joints. It will truly bring you great relief as you apply this mustard oil and nigella seed concoction to your aching joints.

Boosts Your Memory and Alleviates Asthma 

To increase your memory, consume ground nigella seeds with a tiny amount of honey. This same concoction, when mixed in warm water and drunk, tackles breathing problems in children and adults. Continue this for a minimum of 45 days for the best results.

Rids you of Nagging Headaches

A common problem experienced by many in today’s stressful world is frequent headaches. Avoid popping pills to deal with this irritating condition. Instead, adopt a natural remedy by rubbing nigella seed oil on your forehead and relax. Before you know what, your headaches will become a distant nightmare.

Strengthens Immunity

Consume nigella seed oil with honey and warm water daily to boost your immunity. To reduce nasal congestion, add nigella seed oil to boiling water and inhale those fumes. 

Aids in Weight Loss

Shed those extra kilos by adding a pinch of powdered nigella seeds to the recommended dietary drink which is a combination of honey, warm water, and lemon. Make it even more power-packed by adding another healthy ingredient in the form of nigella seeds.

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Successfully Deals With Diabetes

If you have diabetes, nigella seed oil should become your go-to natural remedy to help manage your existing ailment. Health Benefits and Culinary Uses. For positive results, consume one cup of black tea each morning with half a teaspoon of nigella seed oil mixed in.

Source nigella seeds in smaller quantities as only a little are used at a time. Store them in a dry place to prevent moisture from setting in. Buy from a trusted store only. 

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