8 Tips to Improve Reaction Time in Video Games - Writers Evoke

8 Tips to Improve Reaction Time in Video Games

When you play your cherished video games, do you enjoy the fastest possible reflexes? Whether you are trying to solve timed puzzles in a shorter time or hasten precision shots in FPS, one area you may want to improve on is your reflexes. What is the best way for you to improve reaction in video games? We have highlighted the best ideas to boost your performance.

Warm Up Your Hands

You will encounter slower reaction time if you play games when your hands are cold, because you will be playing with stiff muscles. So, you need to warm up your hands before getting involved in video games, especially if you want to play on a day that is really cold.

Remove Distractions around You

Another thing that could make your reaction time slower is an environment that is chaotic and therefore distracting. You will be pulled out of the zone by distractions, and this will make you less focused and responsive to in-game events. Make sure you grab a drink and visit the restroom before you play!

So, if you want to put in your best performance, you should play games in an environment that is properly controlled, and one that is bereft of distractions. You can either turn the lights off or reduce the volume, and also consider the use of noise cancelling headphones.

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Ensure To Be Completely Alert

You should ensure to get enough sleep every night, especially if you are looking at developing faster reflexes. You can do this by maintaining a sleeping schedule that is consistent, which means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. If you still feel lethargic after this, try waking yourself up, to wait and only play games when you are more alert. Drinking a cold glass of water or engaging in a few minutes of exercise will be of a very huge help. During the day time, you may also need to spend some hours in the sun. It will be of help. You can also read about: Most expensive gaming setups

Practice the Games You Want To Master

One great way to improve your reflexes in the video games you love to play is to play them often. You need to perform a lot of practices with the games you want to become perfect in. When you play them, you shouldn’t do it casually. You have to take mental notes. If you are on a timed puzzle game that puts your reflexes to the test for instance, check whether the results that come when you act a few seconds earlier than you thought you should. Your reaction times can improve through these small risks. On another hand, let’s say you want to enjoy a first person shooter game, becoming perfect in other areas of the game may give you more mental resources to help you react to momentary threats faster.

Play Games That Help You Advance Your Reflexes

While you are practicing with your casual games, you may also wish to develop your reflexes by engaging in varying types of games. One of the biggest examples to use is bingo games from online casinos. You should look for the best online bingo games and pick the games that will present fun opportunities to improve your reflexes. According to research, you can also develop your cognitive capabilities by playing bingo.

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When you get involved in online bingo, you daub the number manually. So, what happens when you play online bingos? The decision lies with you in most of the cases. The system comes with an auto daub feature that you may assign to do it for you. But the challenge is taken out of online bingo when you use that feature. When the auto daub feature is turned off, you can practice manually, and that helps to increase your reaction times and concentration. In fact, in the bid to challenge yourself more, you can even juggle cards as you improve. You should add more cards once you see that you’ve mastered one.

The bingo games you can enjoy online are numerous, and this presents enough varieties for you to select from. So, you need to look at what is available at the casinos. You won’t only develop your reflexes through bingo games; you may even develop love for it as a hobby.

Improve Your Hand Eye Coordination

When you play video games, what exactly slows down the reaction times? Well, naturally slow reflexes could be the cause of the problem, a distracting environment and fatigue may also get involved. However, the problem could be that the player is struggling to get the perfect shot. Engage in activities that help you develop on your hand-eye coordination. This may include the playing of video games and engaging in sports. You will react faster in video games when it is easier for you to aim precisely and accurately.

Get the Correct Technology

A high quality monitor can also help you improve on your reaction time. This is also applicable to your peripherals and how strong your connection to your console or computer is. So, you may want to upgrade your technology if you believe that it would be of help. If your technology can’t react fast, then you can’t.

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Be Patient, Level Headed and Cool

You can improve your reaction time if your state of mind is level. You can’t game well when you are lethargic, but you need to be relaxed to an extent. And, in some cases, you may need some level of patience. If you are full of anxiety and on the edge all the time, it is more likely that you will lag in your reactions when the time comes for you to take a shot. But in your calm and calculated mood, you can deliver a very rapid reaction whenever the chance comes up.

You Can Develop Your Gaming Reaction Time With Practice

Now, you have information about a number of things that you can engage in to help you develop more speedy reflexes, and deliver quicker reactions when playing games. There are some physical aspects to it, including warming your hands and being at alert, while the bulk is mental, including being relaxed and focused and ensuring that you are in the right frame of mind. There is a third aspect, and this involves engaging in games like bingo that enhances reflexes.

Irrespective of everything said here, dedication and consistency are the major factors to improving reaction time in video games. With practice and overtime, you may be amazed to realize the much you can achieve in your loved games.

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