Guide to Shaco, The Demon Jester (Shako, Demon Jester) - Writers Evoke

Guide to Shaco, The Demon Jester (Shako, Demon Jester)

Guide to Shaco

Shaco is the perfect jungle, even after all the cuts. It has everything for the Ganges: viz, jump, slowdown, a fear, illusion. Also, he does not need to be able to make a lot of armor at the beginning, because he has boxes. He easily starts in the forest without the support and takes level 3 before everyone else ~ 2.50 solos. And at level 7, even if everything is bad and there is no equip, the solo will take the dragon. Guide to Shaco

Consider the skills of Shaco (Shako):

Backstab (backstab) – When Shaco hits his target from the back, he deals 20% more damage. This also applies appvalley to the throw of the stylet (Two-Shiv Poison). We always try to use a passive.


Shaco jumps to the specified location and becomes invisible for 3.5 seconds. Within 6 seconds, his next attack will be a crit (140-220% damage, depending on the level of Deceive skill). This is everything. With this skill, we start the gang, catch up with opponents, jump over obstacles and also saves us from inevitable death.

Jack In the Box

Shaco places an invisible (2 seconds) surprise box on the ground. The time of the “life of the box” is 60 sec + 5 seconds after opening. Opening, Jack scares opponents and shoots at them, sucking magic damage. This is our main argument for the jungle. Jackies allow Shaco solo to carve wood in the first levels with almost no armor. Also a very effective tool for gangs, counter-jungle and an alternative towards.

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Two-Shiv Poison (poisoned stilettos)

Throw a poisoned knife, which slows down the enemy by 30% and deals magic damage. Combined with Backstab passive (+ 20% damage in the back). When the skill is ready to use (not at cooldown), simple Shaco attacks slow enemies down by 30% (at skill level 5). This is our “finish”, in combination with the jump (Deceive) does not leave a chance to escape the enemy who used flash, with a minimum of lives. Also, a passive slowdown from attacks makes it less dependent on the presence of a red bluff.

Hallucinate (hallucination)

Shaco for 18 seconds creates his double, which deals 75% damage and takes 50% more damage. When the double disappears, it explodes, inflicting 300/450/600 (+ 100% ar) magic damage. At the time of activation, you become invulnerable for 1 second, which allows you to avoid damage from, for example, the ults of Kartus, Lux, and Caitlin. Also, the use of ults removes from Shaco the holding skills of Rising, Lux, Morgana, etc. It is the double that will help to pick up the dragon at level 7 and survive by correctly tricking the enemies.

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Downloading skills is in the following sequence:

  • Shaco Skill Distribution
  • Maxim boxes, then a knife, then a jump. The advantage of boxes over a jungle knife is obvious.
  • Summoner spells: take Smite and Ghost. The guest can be replaced with an existing one, but if you do not plan to play in the late.
  • Masteries for Shako jungle (Masteries for Shaco jungle)
  • Guide to Shaco, The Demon Jester (Shako, Demon-jester) Masteries
  • Runes for Shaco jungle’ a (Shako-jungle):
  • Reds: 4 Armor penetrate +5 HELL (penetrate calculated for jungle taking into account the masters)
  • Yellow: 9 HELL (damage)
  • Blue: 9 Magic Resist
  • Fifths: 3 HELL (more damage)
  • It turns out + 15 hell, 6.7 armor penetrate, 12 magic resist.
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Shaco Build:

  1. Cloth Armor + 5 red cans
  2. Wriggle’s Lantern (flashlight)
  3. Boots of Mobility or Mercury’s Treads
  4. Attacker, the standard is Trinity Force. If everything went very well and a lot of money – IE (Infinity Edge)
  5. Guardian Angel
  6. Infinity Edge or Phantom Dancer (if IE is already there)
  7. The game is not over yet? Oo According to the circumstances, as an option, a blister for overclocking damage and vampirism or phantom if you don’t have one yet.

Shaco Jungler Tactics:

We start with red: we put 1 jack for golems (1.00), 2 jacks for red (1.34). At 1.40, we burn the blue witch with Smythe and run to the Gomel. We put the second jack there and kill the golems. We run to red. We put 3 jacks, bring the red one to the jacks, kill 1 small lizard, getting 2 LVL, and kill the red one 123netflix. We run to the wolves and there, without using Smythe, kill the wolves and get 3 LVL (~ 2.50). Guide to Shaco

Then there are 2 ways:

  1. We take the blue, we finish the witches and with the LVL 4 we gang the mid
  2. If there is immediately an option for the gang on the mid/top – we gang, and only then we take the blue.

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